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General Rules - Breaking these rules can and will get you banned!

  • One account per person per lifetime. Anyone creating additional accounts will be banned. Do not create multiple user accounts.
  • Do not defy the Moderators' expressed wishes!
  • Do not post our .torrent files on other sites, your personal passkey is embedded in it. The tracker will automatically disable your account if you share your torrent files. This doesn't prohibit you sharing the content on other sites, just the .torrent file.
  • We are a English only site, so please only talk in english!
  • This is a torrent site which promotes sharing amongst the community. Share as much and as long as you can.
  • Disruptive behaviour in the forums or on the shoutbox will result in a warning

Downloading Rules

  • Low ratios will result in severe consequences, including banning in extreme cases.
  • Access to the newest torrents is conditional on a good ratio!
  • Always try to keep your overall ratio above 1.0 !

General Forum/Comment Guidelines

  • No aggressive behaviour or flaming in the comments.
  • No double posting. If you wish to post again and yours is the last post in the thread, use the Edit function instead of double posting.
  • No language other than English in the comment.

Avatar Guidelines - Please try to follow these guidelines

  • The allowed formats are .gif, .jpg and .png.
  • Be considerate. Resize your avatar images to be no more than 200 X 200px and a size of no more than 150 KB.
  • Do not use potentially offensive material involving porn, religious material, animal/human cruelty or ideologically-charged images.

Uploading Rules - Torrents violating these rules may be deleted without notice

  • General uploading Rules:
  • Make sure that your upload is labeled for the correct category and contains the proper date and details.
  • Make sure your torrents are well-seeded for at least 24 hours.
  • Do not upload any of the following:
  • Retail/Commercial DVD's and Instructional Videos (or compressed avi's, mpg's of them)
  • Please do not post .rar or .zip archives. Please be kind and unpack these before uploading.
  • DVD's made out of re-encoded or converted avi's, mp4's, mpg-1's, or any other source files not originally captured as mpg-2/vob
  • Mandatory Screenshot Guidelines:
  • A minimum of two screenshots per upload.
  • The screenshot resolution must be the same as the video's native resolution (VLC screen capture will take care of this). No thumbnails unless they link to the full resolution screen shot.
  • No Duplicates/Redundant uploads - Please follow these simple steps to help keep the tracker clean and streamlined:
  • Prior to uploading a file, perform a basic torrent search. Check the 'including dead' option when you perform your search.
  • If the same exact file is already on the tracker and it has seeders, you can just go to the original torrent page and help seed that torrent.
  • If the torrent is dead but has leechers, you can just reseed it.
    Stay active! You risk being demoted if you have no active torrents.
    If you have something interesting that somehow violate these rules (e.g. not ISO format), ask a mod and we might make an exception.

Last edit 03.02.2015 (10:41 GMT+2)

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